
Have you ever thought about all of the different colors of fruits and veggies and what gifts they offer to your body?

Nature is amazing. Each color is loaded with nutrients and phytochemicals so that our bodies can run at an optimum. They work together synergistically to produce health. Instead of looking for another pharmaceutical drug to make you feel better, how about eating more colors and variety of real food.

Your body wants to heal and keep you healthy. You just need to give it the building blocks so that it can.

Want to learn more about the gifts of color in your food? Sign up for my 6 part class Food Matters on the Learning Center in the Wellness Universe. I just wrote the second class and it is loaded with wonderful information about the gift of color to your body and what they can do to keep you strong and healthy. And if you are sick, or have any type of chronic illness, you will learn how colors are some of the tools you need to make you healthy again.

You can sign up for my class here:Â

The 6 classes are $50 for the set. That’s just over $8 per class to help you discover the tools you can implement by yourself to regain your health, to stay healthy, or to raise healthy children.

I am sharing all of the research that I did to reverse my own inflammation and pain. I will always have autoimmune disease, but I no longer have pain. I promise, I will make it worth your while.

Once the class is live, it is available on video, so if you sign up, you can watch the classes and learn things that you can do to own your own health and feel great again.

This is the class agenda  All available on video after the first play of each class.

Class 1-Vegetables/ fruit- GMO vs Conventional vs Organic, tips for eating organic on a budget

60 Minute Session

Wed Oct 17 at 11:00 am PDT

Class 2-The gift of color-what each color veggie has to offer your body

60 Minute Session

Wed Oct 24 at 11:00 am PDT

Class 3-Processed Food/ Fast Food Why they are harming your health.

60 Minute Session

Wed Oct 31 at 11:00 am PDT

Class 4-Detoxing off of sugar, Real Sugar/ Fake sugar/ drinking soda

60 Minute Session

Wed Nov 7 at 11:00 am PDT

Class 5-Protein- Animal or Veggie/ Dairy /Canned Goods/oils

60 Minute Session

Wed Nov 14 at 11:00 am PDT

Class 6-Cooking, Recipes, Use This, Not That, convert any recipe to be healthy

60 Minute Session

Wed Nov 21 at 11:00 am PDT

Join me.  I will be there to answer all your questions about toxins and chronic illness or lead you to where you can find them.